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vivan storlund
researcher, doctor of laws
vivan storlund
Jan 7, 202313 min read
Light at the end of the tunnel – the end of the neoliberal era
For a long time, I've been seeking explanations to why we have been haunted by the neoliberal economic policies and new public management...
vivan storlund
Oct 9, 20229 min read
A roadmap for turning crisis into utopia*
By rethinking the economy and work, we could turn crisis into a utopia with a universal basic income. There is abundant research...
vivan storlund
Apr 17, 20216 min read
Freelancers – innocent victims of unfair labour laws and practices
The Covid pandemic has put many societal systems to a test. When considering how to go about the challenges we face, we have the...
vivan storlund
Nov 22, 20206 min read
Fixing economic absurdities
If we were to start from scratch to arrange how money should be supplied to a democratic society – "nobody in their right mind would...
vivan storlund
Nov 9, 20205 min read
A post-election agenda for democracy
A sense of relief swept over the globe when the nerve-racking US presidential election 2020 resulted in Joe Biden's victory over...
vivan storlund
Oct 4, 20204 min read
We're on a steep learning curve
As the citizenry, we need to understand that we've got a big role to play in shaping how the world will be governed in the future.
vivan storlund
Sep 27, 20205 min read
The pros and cons of the digital age
We live in a brave new world. Cultures are in flux. Doomsday prophesies and 'thanksgivings' compete in exclaiming the digital era.
vivan storlund
Sep 21, 20204 min read
Between euphoria and despair
With a changed view of work, we would hardly have unemployment.
With a basic income, we would have money circulating where it's most needed.
vivan storlund
Sep 17, 20205 min read
Why we need basic income
A universal basic income could counterbalance injustices and undo knots in institutional structures that have passed their best before date.
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